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Dezsényi, C., T. P. Dobrowiecki, and T. Mészáros, "Adaptive Document Analysis with Planning", {Multi-Agent} Systems and Applications {IV}, vol. 3690, Budapest, Hungary, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 620–623, 2005. Abstract
Dezsényi, C., T. P. Dobrowiecki, and T. Mészáros, "Adaptive information extraction from unstructured documents", International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 156–180, 2007. Abstract
Dobrowiecki, T. P., F. Louage, T. Mészáros, G. Roman, and B. Pataki, "Will measuring instruments turn into agents?", Instrumentation and Measurement, {IEEE} Transactions on, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 991–995, 1997. Abstract
Dobrowiecki, T. P., F. Louage, T. Mészáros, G. Roman, and B. Pataki, "Will measurement instruments turn into agents?", Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1996. {IMTC-96.} Conference Proceedings. {'Quality} Measurements: The Indispensable Bridge between Theory and Reality'., {IEEE}, vol. 2, pp. 1365–1368 vol.2, 1996. Abstract
Dobrowiecki, T. P., G. Strausz, and T. Mészáros, "Knowledge Fusion for Financial Advisory Applications", Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Microsys tem Technology, Baltic Electronics Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 2000. Abstract