Migrating physical machines to oVirt with relax-and-recover (p2v using rear)
Mészáros Tamás, cs, 08/13/2015 - 13:43Relax-and-recover offers a fairly easy way to migrate physical (UNIX) machines to a virtualized environment.
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MindigTV rögzítő Rasberry Pi + OpenElec (Kodi, XBMC) alapokon
Mészáros Tamás, h, 05/04/2015 - 18:39Hogyan készítsünk egy otthoni MindigTV vevőt (és rögzítőt) Raspberry Pi segítségével?
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UNIX for old (atom-based) netbooks
Mészáros Tamás, h, 05/12/2014 - 08:21We have an Acer Aspire One (Intel Atom with 1GB RAM) which was running Windows XP. Since it is no longer supported by MS I've spent some time to find a replacement.
For this hardware MS has no viable alternative I know of. There are, however, several Linux distributions that aim old netbook hardware.
I've checked these:
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Ubuntu Gnome Desktop
Mészáros Tamás, h, 08/05/2013 - 14:02After dropping Fedora I switched to Ubuntu Gnome Desktop. It works pretty well, even my kids can use it.
This page contains some random tips about it. See my other pages about Gnome and Fedora on Lenovo.
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Forget Fedora
Mészáros Tamás, k, 02/05/2013 - 14:52I've been using Fedora for a couple of years now. I was kind of happy with it. I liked Gnome3 and I could handle the minor annoyances. It was stable enough to serve as my work, travel and home opsys.
As F16 reaches its EOL, I installed F18 on a clean PC. Well....
It is a disaster
The installer tries to be simple and intuitive but it is oversimplfied and not handy at all.
It crashed two times before I managed to install Fedora. F16 installed on the same PC without any problems.
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Linux laptop tips (Lenovo T420)
Mészáros Tamás, sze, 04/25/2012 - 11:51This a set of random tips, suggested settings and programs I've collected during the setup of Fedora on a Lenovo T420 notebook.
Btrfs has many advantages over ext4 but it is not quite stable yet.
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A 3ware raid kártya esete a wd diszkekkel
Mészáros Tamás, h, 01/23/2012 - 10:13Csak a napló kedvéért: a 3ware hardver raid kártyák nem működnek (bizonyos) diszkekkel.
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Videokonvertálás Windows és Linux alatt
Mészáros Tamás, sze, 07/06/2011 - 15:44A választék hatalmas, sok ingyenes és jó program van mind Windows, mind Linux alatt. Sok próbálkozás után (egyszerűbb, de fapados programoktól a pilótavizsgás megoldásokig) végül néhány egyszerű, de jól konfigurálható programnál kötöttem ki, amely egyaránt fut Linux és Windows alatt is.
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Gnome3 - worth a try
Mészáros Tamás, p, 06/03/2011 - 16:23I was using KDE until it broke me down with its poor networking (you cannot open+save an Openoffice document from/to the network), then I switched to Gnome + Compiz Fusion which is actually quite good but a little bit unstable sometimes (at least with the open source ATI driver).
I watched a video introducing Gnome3 and its new features and read an excellent article about its basics. I gave it a try by installing Fedora15 on my home desktop and laptop.
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Vmware Workstation (Player) and Linux
Mészáros Tamás, cs, 10/14/2010 - 15:03VMWare Workstation has some problems with Linux. I am collecting solutions on this page.
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