Intelligent product life-cycle support using manuals

TitleIntelligent product life-cycle support using manuals
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsMészáros, T., A. Tóth, and G. Artz
Conference NameProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Conference LocationKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
ISBN Number90-73802-69-5

An ongoing research project at the Technical University of Budapest targets the creation of {"Intelligent} Product Manuals" {(IPMs).} The research work is done in co-operation with European universities and industrial partners in the framework of the {INCO-96/0231} Promanual {INCO-Copernicus} project. This paper focuses on the proposed concept of {IPMs,} analysing the requirements, design method, proposed architecture components and structures. Considering the new features of {IPMs} authors present a three-level deployment architecture that supports the basic (portable) documentation as well as an enterprise-wide information framework for storing all product related data, allowing multi-user access, multiple user profiles, and an Internet architecture level for automatic manual updates, product history monitoring and incorporating external knowledge sources. Generation of {IPM} is fully integrated with product design and manufacturing environment. Concurrent Engineering approach is promoted to handle life-cycle character of product data. Application of the concept will be shown through a prototype {IPM} developed for a {CNC} turning center.